A Great Whirl

Sitting down with words tumbling through my brain, disjointed and bumbling. Bumping into one another mid-sentence.

Sentiments on how life is an adventure, even without an rv become thoughts of a quiet hour at the laundromat, clothes tumbling in a colorful array, mesmerizing and- “hey mom? I want peach tea!”

Resting back against the pillows, thinking of birds twittering, chirping, calling in sing-song, intermingling as- “mom, mom, hey mama, can you look at the picture I’m coloring for you?”

Sitting down with a sigh, looking at recent photos I’ve taken, wondering how to start and remembering the questions I’ve been asked; if home base still feels like home? Were we ready to be home? Are we ready to get back on the road? If we are already gone? When do we go next? Where do we go next? Are we getting cabin fever? Are we fighting more? Do we feel like we have enough space- “mom, I’m boooored! Want to play this game with me?” Quickly followed by another voice, “hey mama, can we do homework?”

Suffice it to say, home base has been a great whirl of life. Appointments and playdates every day, coffee outings and walks squeezed in between times. Laundry and dishes and groceries. Subtle updates and rearranging; finding ways to fit things we use every day in more convenient places. Leaving behind things we found we didn’t need last month. And eventually making a concentrated effort at re-establishing routines.

To answer some of the above questions: while I felt ready to be back at home base, it hasn’t been what I imagined. I looked forward to “home” because it signaled rest, but I’ve found the needs of the family continue at home, just as much as on the road. Exploration outings get swapped for time with friends. Drive days turn into medical appointments. And the wind keeps blowing and the temperature drops, and nobody wants to be outside for long at all. I look forward to nicer weather as it signals more space for everyone here. I’ve appreciated the familiarity of the cows in the back fence, I’ve enjoyed the sunsets, as I always do, and I’ve *noticed* the things I may not be around for anymore– the lady slippers blooming in the nearby ditches, watching the loons, fireflies, our old cats.

I’m ready to head out again, and we head out again soon. Perhaps the next stop will bring more days of sunshine, more time outside, and maybe even some more rest.

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